Libya travel

Libya travel -

The country breathtaking Libya is vast in the country as it is diversified in people. With cultural foundations established by the Romans, Phoenicians, Greeks, Ottoman Turks and Italians, Libya presents trips ancient history in a contemporary Arabic setting .

Join us in our exploration of modern Libyan times. Travel through the desert and into the heart of area countries meet the same most seasoned adventure traveler .

Leptis Magna Tours

Leptis Magna, otherwise known as Magna Lectis are the relics of the city of the ancient Roman Empire (although it was initially established by the Phoenicians) located in the city of Al Khums on the Mediterranean coast (about an hour from the capital of Tripoli).

the historic city was once considered one of the largest in Africa while under Septimius Severus, a native of the region.

Leptis Magna Museum presents some of most valuable artifacts "regions , including recently discovered mosaics dating from about 00 years.

hundreds "I examined mosaics across the Roman Empire, but I have never seen such a vibrantly realistic representation of a human being ... the image of the Gladiator lying is nothing less than a Roman masterpiece ... " -. Mark Merrony archaeologist

a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the ruins of Leptis Magna includes a theater, amphitheater, basilica and the market place and are considered one the best preserved sites of Roman times.

Get in touch with us for more information on Libya Leptis Magna trips and visits .

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